Customer Testimonial
The following is reproduced with permission, but without any modification to content or formatting. Often times, customers can say things far better than we can. If you have an interesting story about how Google Your Family Tree has helped your research, please contact us.
-----Original Message-----
From: Tami Glatz
Sent: Saturday, March 07, 2009 10:06 PM
To: Dan Lynch
Subject: "Google Your Family Tree" Kudos
Hello Mr. Lynch ... Dan,
I've been meaning to write and tell you how much I have enjoyed your
book, "Google Your Family Tree". It is absolutely fantastic. I really
appreciate how well organized it is, and the amount and accessibility
of the information you have included.
I give presentations around the Northern part of Texas on using the
internet for sound genealogical research, and have included the many
wonderful tools Google has offered, in my lectures for the past couple
of years. I now also strongly encourage people to read your book,
because there is no way that I can cover in a mere hour, the amount
of important and useful information you've included. I'm glad to be
able to direct people who are interested to more in-depth information
on what I only have time to touch on.
Is is alright if I direct folks to your "Power Search" website?
That is such a wonderful tool as well!
Thats about it, I think. Thanks for all your hard work!
- Tami Glatz
Dallas , Texas

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Google Your Family Tree and Dan Lynch were featured recently on the popular CBS daytime news show with hosts Scot Haney and Kara Sundlun.