GEDCOM Search and Other Filetypes
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Search GEDCOM and Other Filetypes
Provide your ancestor's surname (at minimum) and this form will execute a search for GEDCOM files matching your search criteria. You can accept the default for filetype:ged for GEDCOM or you can use the drop-down menu to select Adobe Acrobat filetype:pdf, Microsoft Word filetype:doc or Microsoft Powerpoint filetype:ppt.
GEDCOM Search and Other File Types
Google enables you to specify the name of an ancestor, narrow results to a specific geographic area, and a file format for the most relevant results. In the example below, the search is looking for the exact name "Patrick Lynch" with mention of Connecticut. The filetype:ged directs Google to return only those results that include a file in the standard GEDCOM file format used for exchange of family tree files (GEnealogical Data COMmunication).